Articles on: Galaxy Docs

DDoS Mitigation

Learn how Galaxy protects your app.

Galaxy's Network layer has a custom proxy tailored to work with Meteor apps.

Our proxy servers handle the HTTP and WebSocket requests to your app by always selecting the best container to serve each specific request, taking into consideration how many connections are already open on each container.

It also allows you to use multiple domains in our apps.


DoS and DDoS attacks are attempts to make your app overloaded and unavailable for legitimate requests.

Galaxy proxy servers are in front of every request going to your app. This is a very important security measure, as our proxy servers can isolate eventual attack attempts on your apps. We call this "DDoS Mitigation," and it is automatically enabled for all Galaxy clients.

Galaxy provides out-of-the-box protection against attacks by analyzing all requests that are coming to our servers, aggregating the data across all servers, then making decisions about which type of requests are over our expected limits.

When a type of request is classified as abusive, we stop sending these requests to your app, and we start to return HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests).

We also have some rules to define for how long this type of request will be blocked. If you have specific use cases that may need different limits, please reach out to

We are not going to explain here in detail how we identify abusive requests and what our rules are, as it may make it easier for attackers to work around them. We will improve our App Protection feature every time we identify new opportunities for protection.

If you are going to perform load testing, please contact us at least 2 business days in advance, explaining how you are doing so -- which IPs and targeting which hosts (domains).

Attacks can happen on different scales. We cannot promise that we can prevent any kind of attack, but we can prevent most of them as our proxy layer is robust and can handle a large amount of requests. We also use standard AWS protection in front of our servers.

You should configure your app as well to limit the messages received via WebSockets, as our proxy servers only act in the first connection and not in the WebSocket messages after the connection is established.

Meteor provides rate limits so you can use it to protect your app further.


On your app settings, you can customize your DDoS Mitigation settings. You will be able to set a threshold for the maximum number of requests that you want to allow your app to receive in a window of 5 seconds.

Once you enable the custom DDoS Mitigation, you will also be able to see the list of IPs that are currently blocked, if any, and you will have the power to disable a block or even delete it.

When you delete, you eliminate this record completely, so it could be blocked again in the future. When it is disabled, it's never going to be blocked again.

Custom Settings

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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