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Learn how Galaxy bills per plan and container size

Flexible Payment Options

We offer four different plan levels to choose from, each suited to various use cases:

Free Plan

Deciding which plan best suits your needs will depend on the features available for each plan, as well as the container sizes and usage needed for your app. Your pricing varies with the plan selected and the quantity and size of containers used to run your app, pro-rated to the second. Note: Free accounts support up to 1 Tiny container per app.

All Galaxy accounts start on the Free Plan. Once you have an app deployed, your account will be charged based on your container size and plan selected on your Galaxy. You only pay for what you use. If you stop or delete all of your running apps, you will not be charged.

For all paid accounts, billing from the beginning to the end of the month will be billed at the beginning of the following month. If you stop or delete your app during the month, you’ll only be billed for your usage until the point when you stop or delete your app.

Container Usage Pricing (Monthly)

Approximate costs per container/plan:

- Tiny: 256MB RAM, 0.3 ECU. Essential: $9 / month. Professional: $18 / month
- Compact: 512MB RAM, 0.5 ECU. Essential: $29 / month. Professional: $40 / month
- Standard: 1GB RAM, 1 ECU. Essential: $58 / month. Professional: $79 / month
- Double: 2GB RAM, 2 ECU. Essential: $115 / month. Professional: $158 / month
- Quad: 4GB RAM, 4 ECU. Essential: $230 / month. Professional: $317 / month

Prices are estimated for a container running 30 days (billed by the hour).

Container Options


Plan Costs

- Professional: $0.11 per hour
- Essential: $0.08 per hour

Apps running Tiny Containers benefit from a cost reduction on both the Essential ($0.01 per hour) and Professional ($0.025 per hour) plans.

Pricing Considerations

Pricing is impacted by:

Plan type (Free, Essential, Professional, or Enterprise)
Number of running containers
Size of running containers

Pricing is not impacted by:

Number of connected clients/traffic
Number of command line deployments
Number of users
Environment (Development, Testing, Staging, or Production)

Push to Deploy deployments are charged using the same cost per hour per GB as the plan of your app.

To economize, consider using a savings plan. Contact for more details.

Galaxy Plans

You can see the differences between our plans on our website.

Savings Plan

The Savings Plan offers a 20% discount for a one-year upfront payment. Once enrolled, your compute usage is billed using discounted credits, and any usage exceeding your commitment is billed at regular on-demand rates.

How do I get started with Savings Plans?

To get started, we require a forecast of your estimated expenditure over the next 12 months. This involves multiplying your average monthly bill by 12 calendar months, allowing us to provide an accurate quote for prepayment, enabling you to save 20% on your total costs. To add a Savings Plan to your account, please contact

Renewing the Savings Plans for the next year

Savings Plans are automatically renewed for the following year. To modify your upfront payment, please contact us via email. To cancel the plan, inform us at least one month before the end of the plan period.

Modifying a Savings Plan

You can increase your commitment by purchasing additional credits, allowing you to continue saving as you grow. Please contact for more information.

Canceling a Savings Plan

Savings Plans cannot be canceled, and prepaid amounts are non-refundable. An exception is made if you decide not to continue with the plan shortly after renewal, provided you inform us within a few days of the renewal date.

How the Savings Plan credit is used monthly

Even though you make a one-year upfront payment, our billing system calculates your costs on a monthly basis. Your payment is divided into twelve monthly credits, with one credit being made available each month.

For example, if you pay $6,000 upfront, your credits are split equally by month, providing you with a $500 monthly credit. If you spend less than the credit amount, the remaining amount does not carry over to the next month. If you spend more than the monthly credit, you will be charged for the excess usage.

What should I consider before purchasing a Savings Plan?

Before purchasing a Savings Plan, consider your long-term usage needs and ensure you plan to commit to a consistent amount of usage over that period. It is recommended to be conservative with your upfront payment, as you can always add additional credits later once you have a better understanding of your growth expectations.

Payment and Statements

Galaxy accepts PayPal and major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. You can view and change payment details in your account settings.

Every month, a statement is emailed detailing your total monthly usage. Statements show metered usage broken out by app. You can view and download past statements in your Galaxy account profile for individual users and organization pages for teams.

Stopping Charges

While you cannot change charges for resources used in the past, you can minimize future charges by stopping your apps or deleting your account. If you stop your app during the month, you will not be charged for usage after the end of the billing period, typically the end of the month.

To be charged the minimum fees, you must reduce your containers in every region where they are running to the Tiny Container option. To check your regions, add your account name to the end of the following URLs:

Ensure you have no running apps. Each app listed in your account will have a full gray circle next to it if its containers have been stopped. If you are sure you will not reuse the containers in an app, you can delete the app to permanently remove it.

There is no cost difference between deleting or stopping your apps.

Preventing Service Interruptions

If Galaxy is unable to charge your account, a warning email will be sent to the account address on file. If a payment fails, you will receive an email notification.

If, after receiving a warning or multiple warnings, the charge remains unpaid, your account may be suspended. Since Galaxy charges for services already rendered, this prevents unpaid charges from growing larger.

Common reasons for account suspension include:

Outdated payment information
Bank not allowing the charge to go through
Bank requiring your express permission before Galaxy can charge it

If you need to change your payment information or have spoken to your bank to enable your card to be charged, contact for assistance.

As long as your account is suspended, you will not be able to deploy, start, or run containers on your account.

Once the invoiced amount is successfully paid, your full account functionality will be restored.

To avoid service interruptions for billing-related reasons, ensure you have a current and working payment method and regularly check for notifications. If your invoice is past due, update your payment information as soon as possible to prevent any interruptions in service.

Updated on: 29/08/2024

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